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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

What's your idea of a good club Night??

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Thank you for posting this! Any idea's are wellcome...........


Club night's are for club member's in the end, so If anyone has any idea/s, then post here or talk about them at the field or to a committe member!

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I have an Idea !! tomorrow I will bring a box and some writing paper so that everybody can write without putting their name on that way we can have an honest response.


Is it some kind of secret which people might like what?

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We did say we'd do a RaspberryPi night didn't we back in those halcyon days of Summer?


I'm STILL waiting for mine................


You won't get me to a Club night (you lucky people) for two main reasons:-


1. It's a Thursday night, a night with extremely rare exception I could ever make free. (Or Mon or Tues or Wed as it happens!)


2. It's a Thursday night, a night with extremely rare exception I could ever make free. (Or Mon or Tues or Wed as it happens!)



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I have edited my post above and removed the more club specific text answering the question plus additional text as I had not previously realised that the original post was in an open part of the forum, so subject to non-members posting.


My sincere apologies, but one of the ever lurking dangers of a forum that is part open, part not.


With regard access, and for the benefit of external people visiting this thread, there is to my knowledge only one normal access route to our pits area, one that has full and proper safety from rules set to achieve it, like flying boundaries, vehicle speeds, gate security, etc. Any other access is unauthorised and is prevented insofar as is reasonably practicable with farmland.

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may i say 1 thin, if anyone is gunna walk to the field, its should be known that it is dangerous to do so and shouldnt be attempted with children

What is this got to do with the current tread? your not even a club member how would you know how we do things, why are you still replying to every tread? what is it with you dude?...

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I have an Idea !! tomorrow I will bring a box and some writing paper so that everybody can write without putting their name on that way we can have an honest response.


Is it some kind of secret which people might like what?


No secret, but seeing that the response is very poor and so far who I have spoken to seems to be running out of ideas and I have been told that club night are not as popular as they used to be, I wanted to try to get peoples honest opinion on what they like dislike and would like their club night to be, I find that when written on paper and not face to face people can be more adventurous and honest with their answers. Just an Idea.

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I thought also that it would be fun !! rather then having a situation like last night that their was nothing on, I mean I enjoyed it sitting down over a beer and just chat to people I know, but it would have been nice if some sort of activity was in place..


I know that I have just joined and you guys have been trying to spice things up for years and you have probably tried to get more people to be involved and so on and so forth, but maybe new ideas and proposal it's not such a bad thing...


Food for thoughts :)

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I've been going to club nights for 5+ years now and have only ever missed out on maybe 2 or 4. "Sad I know :? "


ATM after yesterdays club night and a few other club night in the passed, I'm am now thinking of not turning up any more :?

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stallion, pack it in with this attitude of yours, no i may not be a member but u have put this in the open part of the forum and as such i have every right to post and say what ever i like aslong as it is not offensive to anyone.


However being the one only a select view who have walked upto the field, it is a nice thought for someone to have experienced this to think of others safety, in a perfect world everyone will have cars but this isnt the perfect world and everyone doesnt and if i remember correctly, potential new club members are actually welcome to the field for an insight into what the club has to offer.


Some of these people will want to walk to the field and no doubt will wanna take children up there aswell and to have this mere warning is something for the club and not for u stallion and with ur "ur not a member so dont post" attitude will scare off potential new members as it drags the club down.


Lastly if u look at the post above mine, what i wrote was corresponding to this!!!!

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stallion, pack it in with this attitude of yours, no i may not be a member but u have put this in the open part of the forum and as such i have every right to post and say what ever i like aslong as it is not offensive to anyone.


However being the one only a select view who have walked upto the field, it is a nice thought for someone to have experienced this to think of others safety, in a perfect world everyone will have cars but this isnt the perfect world and everyone doesnt and if i remember correctly, potential new club members are actually welcome to the field for an insight into what the club has to offer.


Some of these people will want to walk to the field and no doubt will wanna take children up there aswell and to have this mere warning is something for the club and not for u stallion and with ur "ur not a member so dont post" attitude will scare off potential new members as it drags the club down.


Lastly if u look at the post above mine, what i wrote was corresponding to this!!!!



Again Wrong tread just give up .

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