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Another way to warm epoxy glue is put it in a microwave for 15 to 20 seconds (no longer!) depending on the power of the microwave


Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2

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Been watching this thread with interest. Been good reading and interesting, thanks. The pushrod issue (and others) have been mentioned in several build threads around the Internet since its inception - all they had to do was put an Addendum in, one sheet of A4, but that's Ripmax for you!!


A word of caution though with regard your servo choice. The S3001 and S3010 are both analogue servos, but have very different power.


The S3001 is only 2.4kg/cm at 4.8v, 3kg/cm at 6v, the S3010 is much more powerful at 5.2kg/cm at 4.8v, 6.5kg/cm at 6v.


The S3010 is also quite a bit faster in action.


Analogue servos do not develop their full power until the motor gets moving, whereas Digitals develop as good as full power from rest. The S3001 is not Ball Bearing either, which adds more resistance to movement, especially when loaded up to near its limit. I'm not a particular lover of Digitals over Analogue but they do provide more instant grunt, useful in keeping the overall power and therefore cost low enough to be more easily affordable.


So, you have a large surfaced and quite heavy (relative) plane with the power to be quite fast, but with budget analogue servos that are of low output, and not the best at powering from rest. This unfortunately means you may well get imprecision in action and worst case could get the surface air pressure out powering the servo resulting in it being unable to move it, which is not the thing to have happen in a dive or when going fast. (Ask me how I know!). Its called "blow back" but is usually lack/delay of movement the instant required rather than the surface moving the wrong way.


Ripmax do not help at all by not stating the requirement more clearly, and most LMS's only re-copy their incomplete specification. "5 Standard" is inadequate info IMO, as standard only refers to case size and not power.


I hope I'm proved wrong, but felt I should mention. Test carefully!!


I'm currently stalled (no pun intended!!) on a project, a Seagull Zlin L50 with DLE petrol, while I get hold (i.e. afford) servos of a suitable power level.

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This unfortunately means you may well get imprecision in action and worst case could get the surface air pressure out powering the servo resulting in it being unable to move it, which is not the thing to have happen in a dive or when going fast. (Ask me how I know!). Its called "blow back" but is usually lack/delay of movement the instant required rather than the surface moving the wrong way.


.... and if you don't want to ask Dave you can ask me. I lost a quarter scale extra on the first flight due to an under-speced servo. Now I always over spec the servos and personally would be worried about using 3001's.


Just take it easy

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The other thing I didn't specifically mention and perhaps should have done is the seemingly pretty widely reported petrol engine effect, giving a higher level of vibration into the airframe, putting RC gear to the test big time. I'm only reporting on others comments here, no direct experience, good or bad.


This is relevant as I have recently taken apart a S3001 (budget analogue) and a S3152 (middle of the road digital), and the S3152 had MUCH more robust internal construction and wasn't left with unsupported wires hanging in space and loosely located components to vibrate to a bad connection or break. Maybe you do get what you pay for then? :wink:


I'm by no means anti S3001, got quite a few myself, but none are fitted to larger models.


Incidentally if you want to see a REALLY bad servo try any from DYS............I won't even use them in £30 foamies now!! A while back I sent a charger multi lead back to Giant Cod...their test engineer confirmed in his report that "it was made so badly it probably came from DYS!!" :twisted:

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