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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Don Coe

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Everything posted by Don Coe

  1. An update . She's now on her feet and awaits the final rigging and warp system to be finalised.
  2. As one of the five founding members I can confirm that we first met at the home of Frank & Richard Hawke in 1978. In September. Present were: Frank, PRO - Richard - Marcus Norman - Neil ?, treasurer and self, chairman. We later approached Tommy Harris to be our President in the hope of getting discount from the shop. (Ha, Ha) I designed the club badge and produced the artwork and had them made. Regarding the latest proposal, do we really need the BMFA reference? Could not the lower line just read 1978? That would leave the image uncluttered.
  3. Here we go again! Yet another nightmare. A fully rigged biplane with dozens of turnbuckles, spoked wheels and time consuming to rig! Based on the dreadful kit from Arizona Model Aircrafters I started this model a couple of months ago and have reached the stage where I don't know what to do next. Anything I do now relies on something being completed before the one I've just thought of! You've all been there I know Here's a few pix. No captions needed, methinks. Any questions?
  4. here's some shots of the fuselage so far
  5. Just to update you on the Albatros DV build. I've finished the fuselage insignia and am now sorting out the front end. I'm altering the kit so as to make the top cowling completely removable to allow access to the ST 3000 and associated bits.
  6. Thanks for looking in, Jim. I know it's stretching the present system but I wonder if there is a formula (copy and paste from a pre-drafted document, maybe??) that one can use to ensure a logical progression throughout a posting. You might also suggest to me the best place to position the captions seeing as 'ow I cannot include the pics within the copy matter. (moan, moan Have a look at the thread I'm running on the RCSCALEBUILDER.COM site. It's so much nicer to be able to just get it down "on paper" and push the button! Here's the link... (you may have to register, but it's fre
  7. Last group for now. Sod it It's gone out of sequence again
  8. Here's another three. It's difficult but seems to work! It's gone out of sequence - bugger!
  9. OK, Darren, You're on! Let's test the water and see how many Club members are still with us. First I'll set the scene. I bought the Proctor 1/4 scale kit a couple of years ago, made a start, but as soon as I hit problems with the build put it to one side and built the Pup and most of the Bleriot instead. That took me until October 2007 I recently purchased an Arizona Models 1/4 scale AVRO D kit and intended that to be my next build having reached the final stages of the Bleriot. On opening the AVRO box I found it to be such a load of crap with 70% either missing or total rubbish that i
  10. If there is any interest I will post the build of my Proctor Albatros. Just say so and I'll make a start!
  11. ...and another couple.
  12. I thought to up date the post by uploading pics of the current situation
  13. I've heard it said that moving house is the second most stressful thing one can do. I think that divorce was the first. I wonder where building from Mick Reeves drawings comes in the scheme of things? Good luck Terry! See you at the Hop Farm.
  14. On with the tank... this is of the suspension straps. They're from 22g. phosphor bronze strip and 1.5mm brass rivets. The rods are 1.5mm brazing rod threaded 10BA.
  15. Here's an update on the Bleriot build. The standing rigging is complete and I've made a start on fitting out the fuel tank with it's various bits & pieces such as fill, vent, levels. and feed circuits. It will need two feeds each with it's own filter and on/off cocks. The radio gear is in as are the control surface runs. These are from stranded stainless steel cable.
  16. Moved on a bit with the beast. It's now on it's wheels and the rigging has been started. The next operation will be to install the radio gear, Spektrum DX7
  17. ....and one of the Driver! He's one of Pete's head and body parts kits for the owner to paint, dress, and otherwise modify!
  18. Thought I'd update this post with recent pics.
  19. Mine Herr This may interest you! One I did earlier. From David Boddington drawings with a PAW diesel in it. Never flew - couldn't get the engine to go! Considering converting to electric! Regards, Don
  20. here's the thing with the rib stitching and tapes completed
  21. The tailplane is now completed and all the associated fittings made.
  22. Joining the fuselage - method - four square metal sockets all held together with the rigging. Just four 10BA bolts and nuts to do up.
  23. Thanks, Peter. Thought you might like to see how I spent my New Years Eve afternoon! First I resolved the problem of joining the two sections of fuselage together at the field. (The plane is 8'-4" long now that the rudder in added!) The full size A/C is also in two sections so I copied the method of using four square section tubes to support the longerons. It's all held together with 18g. rigging wires and turnbuckles. The other thing I completed today was to design and build the rudder. Micks drawings are accurate in outline but I have access to copies of M.Bleriot's original drawing
  24. Thank you, Darren, for your rapid response. I'll give it a go sometime soon and let you know the result Regards, Don EDITED: I attached a picture which has gone missing! I'll try it with this edit.
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