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My Extra 300

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My first (and second) foray into petrol.


Can you see the difference? The picture of the two Extras included my first and Mick's. It didn't survive long, aileron servo failure seems to be the primary cause, inexperience with big models may not have helped either.


The picture of the lone Extra is my mark 2 and it flies great. It's a World Models Extra for 160 glow fitted with a MVVS 215 (34cc) petrol.


Another lesson learned from mark one was that it could loose some weight from the front, so for mark 2 the engine box was shortened about 30mm and the radio/battery install is now a lot more sensible.



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And at long last, it's seen another sortie.


Dusted off the cobwebs, charged the batteries and filled up with the very best tesco unleaded for a few new years eve flights.


I must admit I had forgotten how nicely this flies. Not a 3D machine by any measure but what feels to me like a scale aerobat. The engine still has less than 2hrs running from new so it's on the 33:1 mixture and driving the run in prop (18x8).


I feel more confident with it now, I need to fly it a lot more, fine tune the mixture and then move up to the 20" prop


Who knows, I might even get around to fitting the Pete Tindal smoke system I bought for it.

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Joe, there was more people up there yesterday than on your fly in.............well almost. But you did miss the chainsaw action of the old tree.


Hopes this makes you feel better :lol:


I think Darren will come back with something bigger and better knowing him.

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