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Best flap/aileron/rudder hinges

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Well Ive always liked the solid gold piano hinges with titanium pins and diamond and ebony inlay...


Failing that, it would depend on the way the aileron hinge is arranged.


If its a flat face on the wing and a simple bevel on the leading edge of the aileron, then I would choose a pinned flap type of hinge.


If its a curved leading edge on the aileron fitting into a mating concave curve on the wing, then I'd choose to use a Robart type pin hinge.


If its a pretty simple model, then the bendy plastic/mylar type hinges (furry or otherwise) are fine also.


If you like, bring the plans tomorrow or Sunday and we can take a look, or post a picture here.

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OK - well you can go for many types as follows:


Mylar/plastic hinge - simple, effective, inelegant.

Plastic flap type pinned hinge - a bit better, careful of glue in the pin when fitting.

Robart Pin Style - easier to fit, slightly less secure, safe problems with glue.

Elbow Hinge - see Nutz


I think that's it...

Go for the pinned flap type hinges - there ya go! :) Cut a slot, insert hinge with glue. All done.

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Miss Hupboard "me" went to her fuel cupboard today and all she could find was nothing..................."Apart from Magnum %12 and its second hand stuff as well"


Here are some other types of hinges out there, here are afew more to start you off :-


Nylon hinge " old school man "

Hinge tape "that 3M tape stuff"

Live hinging " not a hinge its self, but the best...well the sound they make it cool anyway"

Ball join hinge "use on shockys plane"

Fowler Flap Hinge " for scale birds, super great"

Polyprop hinge "Abit like Robart barbed hinge finger type, but don't have the metal pin!


oooooo doh! Not at work, not paid for all this crap " you can say that again" I'm typing in........must stop!

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