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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

CAMFC Display Team


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I was thinking (which could be dangerous lol)


we have a few really good pilots at the club, who may or may not be interested in show flying


why don't CAMFC start a flying team with a few select set of pilots with B Certificate's which is needed for shows and display next year


even if it is at minor events such as the school last year, or at the bigger shows


just out of interest who agrees we should and you never know!! lol





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What we flying, 3D, warbirds or aerobatic?


I think a warbird or aerobatic would be good, but aerobatic is harder than straight forward flying (by all means I am not saying flying scale is not hard)


I think warbirds would be nice, I am currently have a hanger9 Miss America Mustang to build, same as the one Jim has got.


Or how about warbirds woth real type aerobatic aircraft flying with the warbirds (like a centry of flight sort of thing) in a scale sort of mannar?

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I love the sound of the idea. I wouldn't mind joining I have the plane and I can perform some of the moves. I could at least try!


I know I have only been at CAMFC for over a year now but I believe that after flying my Funtana and practicing hard I could obtain my B test, I was planning on doing my B test this year anyway.


At the moment even if I did successfully obtain my B test I wouldn't feel comfortable flying at large air shows, probably due to my inexperience and skill I would be happy to perform at smaller air shows like the school shows etc..


I would have a great time flying with the other brill pilots at the club and flying in formation etc.


I know it will be hard but I like to take risks. :D

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Yeah there would be many things to think about and a lot of practicing of the maneuvers and routines!


By the way I was bored again so I played around with Photoshop and I wanted to see what the T-Shirts would look like with the logo I created! lol.



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Yeah true like the logo


i was thinking like scale aerobatics by this i mean loops. rolls, 4 point rolls, stall turn, inverted stall turns, mirror flying and many more etc....


but all perfect and very close to one another


plane wise i was thinking an aerobatic model but, if you remember to celebrate CAMFC 25 anniversary many members bought astrohogs and co loured them exactly the same. i think this would be a good idea matching co lour schemes or 2 co lours in the team


any suggestions?

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i was thinking like scale aerobatics by this i mean loops. rolls, 4 point rolls, stall turn, inverted stall turns, mirror flying and many more etc....


Lee you have persuaded me to definitely join now. Lol! I can do "most" of these moves.


I'm glad you like the logo, I am up for feedback so we can create the best logo possible.


I think this display team could go well, we could even get T-Shirts printed like I showed on my last post... they are not expensive to get printed.


Obviously we will have to get more members interested, and have some sort of discussion on whats going to happen etc... there is alot to think about, if we all want this to work.

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Yeah i think funtanas would be good but i think the colour scheme in which they come is rubbish with the flag thing which looks so awkward and out of place!!


but recovering would be a major mission


so how many members do you think we need i was thinking and odd number for opposite moves




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Well my Funtana is pure white without any stripes so I am ok...


Urmm I'm not really sure how many members we will need, we need to think about how many members are actually interested in the idea and secondly we don't have a specific routine so we don't know how many people we will need?


P.S. I'm not really up for the repaint job, if you look at some other display teams I believe they don't have a specific colour scheme (Well.. except the panic team) they normally have the same type of plane or the same shirts etc...


For instance those two turbo prop Oracle planes, "Same plane different colour scheme ones yellow and ones black" & also that display team with the red shirts "with the butts attached" at last years SMAS lol.


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