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J'Ens .37 as a substitute for OS .46LA


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Hi All -


Not going to make it up the field for next few weeks but would like some opinions on this if you have a few minutes...


My Seagull Boomerang is currently fitted out with an OS .46LA and seems to fly absolutely fine on about half-throttle with this engine.


I've recently obtained a J'En .37 as at one point I was contemplating this for another purpose but this is looking less likely now so the engine may be going spare...


So, here's the question; would the J'En .37 be sufficient to power the Boomerang for normal flight (and let's say the odd loop/roll but nothing much more than that)? If this is the case I can recycle the OS .46LA into a low-wing model aerobatic I have my eye on (for the future once I have a bit more experience!) which would be great.


Opinions please?




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Hi Arun.


It would probably get it off the ground, if the ground was dry, the grass short, and the wind was blowing.

Rolls and loops probably as well, but with quite a bit more effort.

The bigger disadvantage would be that you would not feel so comfortable flying it in stronger winds, which we will be getting more of soon.


If its not too much of a pain, why not just swap it over and try it, then just swap it back after?


Whats the model your thinking of buying?

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Thanks Jim. I'm considering the Hangar 9 Pulse XT .40 as seems to have good reviews and progression for a beginner. For this particular build I'd like an ARTF (the Maggie makes progress on a different thread!) - do you know any good alternatives ones that would suit the J'En .37 directly?



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Yes I once's had the H9 Pulse, but it was the 60 size model and not the 40 size. Was fun to fly around, I would say it was semi-aerobatic. It will still do all the standard stuff like loop, stall turns, spins, inv. flight etc. etc.


There is only two down sides I can think of. It was very fast on landings, you would have to think about your landing and how to slow it down.

And also the plane was a bit weak around the canopy / middle fuss area, I've seen a few people brake them in half on landings. But easy to repair and get them flying again tho!


I would think the 40 Size is about the same!

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Possibly a Weston Cougar for the .37?


A great plane to fly for fun and it's as docile or as manic as you want to make it! You are welcome to have a flight of my one on a buddy box with Jim if you can wait until after the show. I have a second Tx, buddy lead etc.


On the other hand, you might get a deal on one or another model at the show if you are there over the weekend.


Decisions, decisions ......... :D:D

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I have three Jen engines .37,.47,.57 I had problems running them on 10% nitro, as soon as I followed the Just Engines instructions and ran them on 5% nitro the problems vanished and they are now super engines (Jim had the same problem with his .57 last week and again 5% fixes the problem), it also cheaper :!:

I agree with Gerard the Cougar is great with the .37 and is a superb plane.


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Another vote for the Cougar, with a proviso................there's a lot around the place so you might be up with others looking the same, and more importantly while you really get to grips with flying...............they don't have a good scheme for orientation as they come......not enough distinction upper to lower......so I'd say be prepared to do a bit of easy personalisation (and that doesn't mean by stuffing it in a tree!!)

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Personalisation... Hmmmm, paint it black all over, top/bottom/wings.wheels, the lot, all black... I have some paint left over from when i did mine if you want it? lol Dave loves planes painted all blak, he reckons "Thereeeeeeeeeee great" :wink:

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Richard - you mean you don't have the electric Cougar!?


I've put the Jens I had on eBay with amoderate reserve. If it doesn't sell maybe it will have to go on the shelf until am ready for a Cougar.. hmm...

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