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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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About hotrod

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    Wing Commander

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  1. Geoff has always had his address on the site as Membership Sec. But as you say we can check with him next Committee meeting, he is away at the moment. Rod
  2. Hi Richard. Well done, ATM the events calendar is not working. Rod
  3. That's why I use lead locks and always recommend them when training. Rod
  4. Can't make it today, wish I could. Rod
  5. Watching the slalom ski race the other day the multi rota copter being used to get over head shots crashed a few feet from the racer! and I mean a few feet about 4 or 5 feet. Crowds were lining the course some meters away. The pilot must have been a pro with pro equipment so it shows what can happen when things go wrong. This was in Italy perhaps they allow flying close to and over people. In the right hands with the right attitude to safety they are reasonably safe, in the wrong hands with little or no regard to safety they can (and probably will) be lethal. Rod
  6. I have fixed the Airsoft Game Dates link, it now shows the years Game Date Calendar. Rod PS This only works from the Forum not from the site home page.
  7. I always use the mains power supply to charge, can't be bothered to take the battery out and why anyway. For some time after Taranis was in use at the field several of the instructors debated for some time if this was the Tx to recommend to new members we were training. In the end the view taken by most is that if the new member is serious about the sport then Taranis is the way to go, if not then go for a cheaper entry level radio. How much this saves in the end is debatable. Rod
  8. I just checked the Southern Model Show web site for gate opening times (0930) and ticket costs. Purchase an adult ticket in advance for £10.00 plus a handling charge of £2.50, get it at the gate £12.00!!!!!!! Are these the same people who run the supermarket's discounts?????????????? lol Rod
  9. I went to Eastbourne yesterday A super day Rod
  10. Steve I will bring a Futaba t10 to the show for you to use. Rod
  11. hotrod


    I've a tank that sort of size you can have, I will bring it to Hever for you as I am unlikely to see prior. Rod
  12. Hi Arun Emay and I are using the Frsky Taranis, this uses open source for the software, I think this is what Dave is now using. T9 Hobby sport are the main suppliers but also available from Giantshark. You can download a free Tx simulator (called companion 9X) to enable PC set up, this is super, then just burn to the Tx eeprom. The price of about £140 quid is very good for this much Tx. There is a range of Rx from 4 Ch to 8 Ch all with telemetry, you can also link Rx together. Google Frsky Taranis and have a look. See you soon Rod
  13. The following links can be helpful if you need to know when the the airsoft or clay shooting folks will be using our field: When the Gun Club is shooting (the third Sunday each Month) flying is not allowed until after 1400hrs. When Airsoft are shooting (some Saturdays each Month) then flying is restricted to experienced pilots only as over flying people is prohibited. Clay Shoot Dates Airsoft Game Dates--- http://www.tacticalwarfare.co.uk/app/do ... ion%29.pdf
  14. A collection was held at the show for Harry and the Club made a donation, I hope the money collected will help. Rod
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