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New Toy!

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My mate bought one of those last year, they are FG clones, about £300 off of ebay, good fun, but shame they are only RWD, makes it a bit of a handful.


Are you back from the mother land yet.

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I just had a look and the Smartech Spiders (FG Marder clones) and I was wrong, your looks more like the genuine FG version.


My mate has the smartech one and the quality is quite good, I almost bought one myself (did'nt in the end).

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I REALLY hope it's better than the 1/5th one I got for the school club (from Avi via J Perkins)..........had all sorts of troubles with the drive train.


The drive shaft couplings wore incredibly fast because they were not hardened.


The front brakes didn't work because the design was awful and overloaded the servo with offset pull. And a very fast heavy petrol car is NOT something you want poor brakes on!!!


The rear disc mountings were inadequate and kept loosening off or binding.


I did a fair bit of work for them providing the factory with mods, etc, getting free improved bits along the way, but ultimately the poor base design gave too many issues.


Handling wise it was OK but the tryes gripped TOO well and it was prone to flip if turned too tightly at speed.


We have a GV Rex-X buggy (glow) which is near perfect with worn out tyre treads, and a GV Leopard (glow) which is also very good, but has to have the body removed to refuel.


Shame I won't see it today, but I'm off to Wings n Wheels. (Fit a roller on the back and level the strip!! :lol: )


Have Fun!

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Had fun today with the buggey.

Lee and I tinkered with it for a bit and re-wound the starting cord twice.

I think I need some new tires and a ew servo saver and maybe a new clutch but other than that it goes like a rocket!

Oh, and maybe switching it to 2.4 might be a good idea after it went of on its own at one point :)


Shame I ditched the Cub at the end of the day though....

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Noooooooo not the Cub, is it totalled or fixable as for the buggy, get a GWS FS1, that is what I use, also use a sealed rechargable battry pack unit and not one of these




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Cubs OK - kind of the same as your damage Leon.

Wings both OK, but the wing tube is bent (where did you get your new one from?) and the right side of the fuselage at the top needs some attention...


I have a failsafe, but don't think its very good - I might look at the one you suggest. Its a hoot though, and very fast :)

Already running a 6v NiMh on the Rx so thats OK.

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