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what plane to buy next

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im wondering what to buy for a project to do, ill have a £250 budget in a few weeks and i want eithera kit or an artf.


Im currently looking at the black horse piper cub 120 but im asking for everyones opinions on what to get.


I dont mind on the style of plane either.

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How are you getting on flying your other planes? It might be better to get those flying and see what kind of plane you prefer before spending on a new one


Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2

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im abit scetchy with bouncy landings but otherwise im ok at flying the hi boy, havnt tried the kabriolin yet as ive only just got the engine for it (a super tiger s61), so that will be going up soon.


But the new plane will be a long term project as i will be kitting it out in fully digital radio gear

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I would suggest saving your money and focussing on the models you have - especially if landings are still a bit "bouncy". No need to spend the cash just because you have it - in this hobby it is very easy to spend money; but it is practice that makes you successful! If you need a particular tool, piece of radio gear etc. buy it when you need it. The exception to this in my opinion might be investing in a 2.4Ghz radio set and retrofitting the Hi-Boy.

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Upgrading your radio gear is the first thing I would do! As others have said!


But if you are after a new plane, then what about the Ripmax WOT 4 Foam-E Mk2! Everybody love them.....But you will need a few 3cell Li-Po's and maybe a new battery charger! "just a thought"

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Im currently looking at the black horse piper cub 120

Besides, this plane kit costs about £220 then you will need a 1.20 size engine and high torque servos which could cost another £300 or more, so it sounds like this is outside your budget anyway. As Lofty says, a radio upgrade to 2.4Ghz would be a good way to spend £250 at this stage, imho.

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