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Exhaust Manifolds


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I'm not very happy with the position of the muffler with the stock manifold on the Saito 82B as in picture below, it's just going to pump oil directly at the wing (and servo) or the wing/fuse join. The picture doesn't really show the fact that the muffler is as good as touching the fuselage!


Seems there are a variety of other manifolds you can get at various angles, but presumably others have hit this problem before me - what tends to work best for side mounted four strokes to get the muffler in a sensible position without having too much effect on engine performance?


[attachment=0]photo (2).JPG[/attachment]


Thanks :)

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Does the manifold have a bend in it? It looks like it may have a shallow one.


a bit unorthodox, but if you rotated the manifold 180', you'd get an angle of exhaust away from the model, albeit with a lightly more forward position.

Just a thought.


My old Saito 80 had the different style of manifold/exhaust, much more like the OS type - the whole lot comes out a bit longer and less angled to the head, so not so much of a problem.

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Thanks Jim, it's certainly a possibility but as you say a bit unorthodox :) I've spoken to Macgregor the distributors of Saito and I think I have managed to get hold of a "straight" silencer and a manifold with a bigger angle. When I get them I'll let you know if that helps ... Cheers.

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