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A new Jabberwock IV

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Building a new Jabberwock IV (54 in span) from plan (I already have an old beat up one) anyone interested in the building pictures? Not an awful difficult build, but it is a biplane if anyone is interested in the pics as I complete each part of the build. :)

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Just from the Don Stothers plan - no kits exist any longer, plan still available from Traplet publications though.


There is a smaller version than this, a Giant version 65", and a gi-normous version also at 80" It happens this one can go in my car reasonably easily with wings removed still joined by cabane struts, so rigging is only a minute or two.


Very good for Floats off water too, hard points for mounting floats are incorporated.

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Looks like a really nice finish Terry and a really quick build. Have you flown it yet? What are they like to fly?


I have an almost identical old one which is now very tatty after many minor repairs after 4 seasons. I didn't fancy stripping the old one of the covering which is a lot of hard work, but preferred to knock up a brand new shiny one, and I like building - I'm retired so have spare time - very therapeutic. :D


The old one flies superbly, though the tail is slightly offset to the right after a repair, where is was knocked off on a ground loop, (fortunately just gives extra right thrust) hence new one has tail braces. I'm hoping this one will be even better. It will prop hang but as my servos are standard rather than high torque, normal aerobatics are all I do with it - it knife edges beautifully, not surprising with all that side area and big rudder.


The old airframe will be offered up for auction or given a good home once this one has been maiden-ed.

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I hope to see her at the field soon for a test flight. Nothing better than bashing balsa, who needs ARTF. :)


I usually fly at Roundshaw - and although I was an old (make that very old) CAMFC member - I've only just re-joined the club - so haven't got a gate key yet (or even received a new membership card). As it has spats, I need the grass a bit shorter too !! :D

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