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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Everything posted by Chris

  1. April club night is all drone look forward to seeing you
  2. Just got 2x ft951 set one to CH 6 5840mhz .don't no what the fatshark is on as it went on out the box so will have to have a look be cool to race but don't think I am up to that just yet lol
  3. Back home around 12:30 to windy for the nighthawk
  4. Anyone going up field today be up around 12:00 ish
  5. if some one could print this of so we can put it on the bring and buy at the show ,i did have a go but the printer wont work ,lots of ink just not on the paper
  6. so who is going to be the 1st to have a go at this then looks very cool
  7. 50+ travelers have moved on to Addington .make sure the gate is locked
  8. 30 days to go, you no you still have time to help out
  9. to all members ,if you are going to help out at the show this year .can you email me so i no what day you can help out , a big thanks to you that have. you can phone or email me to and i will add you
  10. Q hi chris what is going to happen in 102days time . A, THE SMAS 2012 IS . Q o great but how can i help out i have never been envoled in doing any thing like this before . A ,that is easy all you need to do is send me your name the dates you can come down to help out . Q,O great but what job,s are to be done chris . A ,if you are going to come down in the week from wednesday ,you can drive the mower,put up stuff ,mark out stuff ,have some tea ,have some fun. Q ,that sounds great chris but i may have to work in the week what jobs are there over the weekend for me to do. A ,LOTS AND LOTS, bring
  11. went up the field to see steve and his mustang very nice model
  12. Chris


    on line now u: CAMFC p: gate
  13. all the club stuff i had was pre order dont no what the stock is like
  14. jim you must love as , all the hard work you put in and nothing but abuse
  15. thanks steve i had a look at my old pics
  16. Chris

    club gliding

    here are some pics from the club gliding that was on thursday the 19th big thanks to the surrey hills gliding club and to our members the came along. both me and leon at the end off the day did a loop O YES
  17. hi alan did you phone around 19:20 you got the right number i was behind the wheel of a coach at the time got you pm
  18. hi all i will be up sunday with the job list jim told me that you are up for doing some work thanks you can phone me on the number that is up see you later
  19. thats good news m8 lets hope you can make it for the show i have you down for the blue gate if you can not do slot,s with jim o and the toilet brush is yours to so you have to make it off down to the Ardingly Vintage and Classic Vehicle Show today to Promote the show have fun all i now me and nich,s will
  20. NOTE TO ALL MEMBERS that are helping out at the show this year . if you are going to put your name down on the list for a job over the weekend or if you are coming down in the week .if you can not make it for the show can you please tell me so i can get your job covered many thanks and happy flying
  21. thats good news m8 i wont be at bbq on hoilday i should be up flying something this sunday see you later
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