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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I have not recycled batteries since I have been flying (approx 20 years. I do replace batteries very frequently if I haven't flown a model for some time since a receiver pack in the 1800 range is about a fiver these days its not worth the hassle of playing around with old packs. In the cae of transmitters again I rely on the electronics in the tranni to tell me if I see a slight deterioration out they come and are replaced. In my new Multiplex set the charging and discharging curves are shown and recordedin a separate file in the tranni so it is easy to see what is going on also unlike most
  2. You know these widgets could just be retaining brackets running down the struts 4 on each strut hence 16 Thet may just hold connecting wires etc to aileron linkage on the real thing. Regards, Peter
  3. eh smart arse we are joining in the fun See you Thursday Peter
  4. Ammo Clips could be the answer Peter
  5. Peter

    Making a canopy

    Trevor, Thanks for the note. I think you will be able to make a canopy from the method you mention. You can get very good glass cloth from Fibretech at Lancing with the resin also. I have recently made some parts for my 1/4 scale longeze using the blue foam and balsa method and then making a mould from artist modelling plaster of paris, it worked well and is very light and strong . However the cost of resin and cloth could be expensive for making one part . However it will come in handy for making other parts such as cowlings which I have produced with this technique. Not much to it just make
  6. Peter

    Making a canopy

    Trevor My advice would be to make the plug as detailed by Darren, make sure it is correct size allowing for the thickness of the clear plastic and then take it to Avicraft or send to pete Tidal who will put it in there special machine and hey preto you have a canopy. Avicraft will do it whilst you wait. Trying to do it with old pop bottles etc or even flat sheet is really a hit and miss affair OK for small parts like blisters but not really good for big parts like canopies. I know some have taken a three litre bottle of coke drink it first!! and if your canopy is not too big you can scribe r
  7. :lol:Don't worry you will get alot more Miles at least they are real aeroplanes. Peter
  8. Thought you may like to see the progress on the above. Just got to turn up the undercarriage and install the flap and aileron servos and then the sheeting can take place. Peter At the moment the file size is too big so I will have to do some messing about
  9. Darren, looks a nice build. However as there now seems to be a rash of Spitfires I am going to have to bring my ME109E to Fickleshole seems to be that we could be having a lot of fun.However first I have to master my new Multiplex Royal Evo 12 transmitter very interesting reading for the last month. Regards, Peter
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