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Darren is just miffed cos his little Pattern ship had engine troubles all day.


His OS FS70 Super Pumped Fours Stroke (or whatever its called) just wouldn't run properly, despite my tender ministrations...


And the F2B??? Well the sweet Laser100 fired at the first touch of the starter (Darren was watching - say it isn't so Dazzle), fresh out the box, after never having been run before...


And how fantastic she went - no problems, 3 tanks straight through, hand started half way through the first tank, loads of power at the top and a lovely idle to boot - especially that Laser gurgling :)


Now - wait for a nice bit of weather and we'll go for a test fly :roll:

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Darren is just miffed cos his little Pattern ship had engine troubles all day.


His OS FS70 Super Pumped Fours Stroke (or whatever its called) just wouldn't run properly, despite my tender ministrations...


And the F2B??? Well the sweet Laser100 fired at the first touch of the starter (Darren was watching - say it isn't so Dazzle), fresh out the box, after never having been run before...


And how fantastic she went - no problems, 3 tanks straight through, hand started half way through the first tank, loads of power at the top and a lovely idle to boot - especially that Laser gurgling :)


Now - wait for a nice bit of weather and we'll go for a test fly :roll:


I'm big enough to take this ....


OS 70 FS Ultimate :evil:


Laser 100 :P

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  • 5 months later...

Well, she flew at last! Twice actually :)


The first flight was.. ermmm interesting, with loads of trim needed to get her to fly straight. Then, to make matters worse, the engine cut and I had to do a dead stick landing at completely the wrong place. Just managed to turn the draggy old bipe into wind but only managed the rough. No damage to speak of, so off we went again a little while later.


Much better the second flight - I'd re-aligned the elevator halves. I think that the brass tube that joins the elevator control wires is twisting and needs a look at. Still a handfull to fly, being slow to react to control input, and then - bang - loads of turn or roll. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, but may look at a change to CofG too.


No engine problems 2nd flight and Sid took some nice snaps - thanks Sid.


Thanks also to Lee for taking her apart as I was doing an A test (congrats Rob).


Here's a pic for ya all!


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