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Nitro Fuel Cost

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I hope you all went to the RC airshow " Wings & Wheels " last weekend and got as much Nitro fuel as you could carry!


If not, don't be to shock with the new fuel price's starting this week....errrrk :shock:


All Model Technics fuel has gone up, and I know some of the other company's have also put there prices up!

Here's a little taster :-


Contest 10% was £16.10p now is £18.25p

Champion 20% was £18.40p now is £22.65p

Yamada 30% was £23.55p now is £29.99p




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:( never mind about the cost of the Nitro, I'm having problems with the price of the Deisel, and as for the Electric Bill, well I think the laugh must be on all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think i'll just give up everything and spend no money AT ALL, and see how they like that!



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Well I knew it was going up (but not by that much :shock: ), I thought it was just the US imported stuff that was going up, I thought MT did not have a problem with there nitro supply (unless they are cashing in on the supply issues from the far east or obtaining the nitro from the same place???


Good job you filled you van up with cheap fuel from the show Steve :D



Magnum 30% has already gone up form £19.99 to £20.99 a gallon it



Champion 20%

Was £18.40 4.55L = £4.04 Per Litre

Now £22.65 4.55L = £4.98 Per Litre


Magnum 30%

Was £19.99 3.79L = £5.27 Per Litre

Now £20.99 3.79L = £5.54 Per Litre

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How do they justify these price rises? If it is just the price of the nitro and only 10% of the fuel is nitro then the price of nitro must have doubled or trebled. How much has straight castor fuel gone up? Time to switch to petrol or Lasers?

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Why Lasers, Trevor?


I think a lot of companies are just jumping on the band wagon to make a nice killing and increase their profits. Can you see the prices dropping back again if base oil prices drop?

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Why Lasers, Trevor?


Lasers run happily on straight fuel without nitro, assuming it is the nitro which is causing the price rise.

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I have been told 2 stories, 1st one is the production of nitro and other factories in China haves been forced to close down for the Beijing games to reduce the pollution, 2nd is that they are still producing but shipping of hazardous materials will be halted 2 months before and 2 months after the Beijing Olympics.

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