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Just thought that I'd share a few pictures of my tired but faithful X9D, in the hope that others may be tempted to join this exclusive club of radio connoisseurs, and step away from "mainstream" radios.

Currently, @Emay @shanemarsh28 @Bravedan @Trevor @Gerard and of course @Pilot Ben all have a TARANIS transmitter. 

Oh, and did I mention that all of them (including a 12 channel tx with a large colour screen), are all below £480?

The equivalent Spektrum iX12 (with fewer features I should point out), is over £200 more expensive! For that you could buy the new Wot 4 foam-e, one of the fantastic TARANIS receivers and some LiPo batteries and still have cash left over for the pub!

More details on the TARANIS system can be found from the main uk distributor here - https://www.t9hobbysport.com/rc-gear/frsky-taranis-transmitter

BTW, if anyone would like to purchase an X9D model, there are two available for purchase. Please PM me for more details if you are interested.


B ;)

P.S. My X9D is wearing a vinyl wrap, as a way to freshen it up a bit!



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Well, I have two Horus X12S and an early (Batch 2) Taranis to be accurate. Trevor and Gerard both have Horus 10's.

FrSky long ago joined the "mainstream" manufacturers in terms of sales, though if you mean overpriced overhyped bloatware of course,  they have not! 🤐

My Taranis, being smaller and lighter, carries all the slope models. It has (from just after purchase) a Futaba FASST module to use all my old but extremely reliable receivers.

Vinyl looks good. I was at one time thinking of swapping the front for a water dipped one, but decided not to bother on the grounds I was too lazy to do the work!

One Horus carries a multi-module so can also "do" FHSS, DSM2, DSMX, FlySky, Cheerson, Syma, Hubsan, Eachine, Bayang and a host of others.



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 I settled on the vinyl for the same reason Dave. The fit is a bit crap, but the only other option was from a company in Canada, and their designs made my eyes crazy!

Hydrodipping is interesting, and would create a much better finish, but it's a bit too much hassle IMO.

By mainstream I was sort of referring to the usual Spektrum, Futaba and Hitec stuff, although as you say Frsky is now a huge company, but mainly in the drone world.

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Here is an example of what I am talking about. I think it's great for an FPV pilot, but for a LOS fixed wing pilot (who likes to fly inverted circuits a few feet above the ground), it isn't very nice!


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