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Emay last won the day on May 15 2017

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  1. Emay

    Smart Switch

    Futaba is a bit cheaper: http://www.nexusmodels.co.uk/futaba-electronic-switch-single-esw-1j-eba0323.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2anhneCt2gIVzJztCh36hwZwEAQYASABEgKScPD_BwE This probably works as good as Futaba/Powerbox and a lot cheaper: http://www.flytron.com/rc-electronics/65-ultra-reliable-switch-for-rc.html Emay
  2. Emma ASP 52 engine is quite good and not too expensive. See here: https://hobbyking.com/en_us/asp-s52a-two-stroke-glow-engine-w-remote-hs-needle-valve.html If you're going to get it from them, make sure to select "Ship From UK" (i.e. UK warehouse). Emay
  3. Ben, I'll have it please. I need the rf module for my Taranis. Thanks, Emay
  4. Have a look on this: https://bmfa.org/class1/id/33979 or this: https://bmfa.org/class1/id/33977
  5. Emay

    Prop for OS 35 AX

    According to this link http://www.os-engines.co.jp/english/line_up/propelle/proindex.htm the sugeted prop is 10x6-7,11x6 or 12x6. I would go with a 12x4 APC for fun fly.
  6. Cougar and Bossanova: SOLD!
  7. For sale to fund a new project: 1. Weston Cougar 2000 Electric: SOLD! Ready to fly, just add RX and battery (4S LiPo best, but can fly with 3S LiPo) Motor: DYS 3548 900KV ESC: Black Mantis 50A Servos: Hitec HS81 Metal Gear Photo to follow. 2. World Models Fun World 40: £85.00 Ready to fly, just add RX and battery Engine: OS 46FX Servos: Futaba 3001/3003/148 Others: Fuel tank, switch harness, battery monitor, fuel dot https://www.dropbox.com/s/o5p1kf6ki9mo6af/Fun%20World%2040.jpg 3. Ripmax Bossanova: SOLD! Ready to fly
  8. Emay

    Saito 82 Tuning

    It seems both low and high ends are too rich. Have a look in here http://saito-engines.info/starting.html Hope this helps.
  9. Emay


    Play it in full screen HD, enjoy ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIsvW_yhhjs
  10. This looks good too and much cheaper: http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__34063__Soar_40_Sports_Low_Wing_Balsa_1550mm_ARF_UK_Warehouse_.html. It's from HK UK warehouse and is similar to Kyosho Calmato sports low wing. I'm thinkng to get one myself for an old Saito 45S engine! Emay
  11. Emay

    Fuel proofing tank bay

    Hi Graham I've used Aero Kote from Deluxe Materials for fuel proofing. You can get it directly from them or from hobby shops. http://www.deluxematerials.co.uk/pages/aeroproducts.htm As for how to get rid of the fuel that has penetrated the wood (if you can!), do search around on the web. I heard that talcum powder or corn flour might help to absorb some fuel/oil from the wood. Emay
  12. Emay

    Weston Hype 3D

    Sorry about the Hype Trevor. As discussed, below are links for Saito engine parts: Mac Gregor (UK): http://hobbyplastic.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=88_90 and Phills's Hobby Shop (USA): http://www.philshobbyshop.com/catalog/viewcat?catid=7166. Emay
  13. Emay

    Plan covering

    I used cling film. The dificult bit is how to steal it from the kitchen
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