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Forget Futaba, Spektrum and any other Brand...

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I'll be watching this Open Source Transmitter project very carefully. With a programming background, you always want to get at the source code to make greater use of the hardware than the manufacturer imagined (or wanted). This brings it closer...




(Richard) Looks like is supports FPV pretty nicely too :)

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Well seeing as it is open source you have modules so you can go one Futaba, Specktrum, Hitech or any other system they releas the module for.


There is thread about it on High Alpha.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Nice one Arun, looks awesome, but not being a coder like that, I think I would be lost trying to understand the code it runs on.

Seems expensive too for a Tx only.. May have to have a more detailed read later, as its very small text heavy, that website.


Me like big pictures and fewer words :D

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  • 1 year later...
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So, nearly a year on, where is this particular project currently? They could be missing the boat, as I have a working Transmitter from another supply source that has open source software that all appears to work, and that a lot of interest and growing hoards of users worldwide is driving development.



The only bit I have not got working so far is the only bit I'm forced to get elsewhere (from Ripmax), the JR style module to enable the new Tx to not only work with its own Rx's via its built in RF section, but also via the plug in module with FASST Rx's, a "nice to have" but by no means essential. Supplied one so far, arrived dead, no info with it at all, no online info/manual, told by Ripmax that "no manual exists"...........found a US importer of it had a manual, which at least proved I had not missed anything, but still no action, so returned and awaiting re-supply.

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Not followed it Dave, but I'd be interested to know more about the OS Tx you are running. Where did you get it, what is it called, which forums are users gathered on?

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Hi Arun

Emay and I are using the Frsky Taranis, this uses open source for the software, I think this is what Dave is now using.

T9 Hobby sport are the main suppliers but also available from Giantshark.

You can download a free Tx simulator (called companion 9X) to enable PC set up, this is super, then just burn to the Tx eeprom.

The price of about £140 quid is very good for this much Tx.

There is a range of Rx from 4 Ch to 8 Ch all with telemetry, you can also link Rx together.

Google Frsky Taranis and have a look.

See you soon


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Thanks Rod, suspected it might be that device. Certainly looks good, been tracking it for a while. I'll drop by the field at some point this year I'm sure :)

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I thought I'd wait for the closet Taranis users to comment............... :lol::lol:


Every week I use:-


Futaba, Hubsan, JP (Planet and other imports with their name), Spektrum, ACCOMS, WFly, JR, the list goes on and on.


My 10CG Futaba Tx so far has done everything I have wanted it to, and FASST has been 100% bullet proof, as you should expect from a system that got itself replaced because it was too good.......so why did I buy a Taranis?


I'm not too bothered by telemetry and speech, so its not that. Well, maybe as an ex-hacker (long time ago now!!) and freeware content creator, the idea of open source for a TX attracted, but the main reason was that the 10CG is CAMPAC memory, and even buying clone chips, increasing beyond the 48 model limit was expensive (relative) and awkward.


Now, the Taranis has internal RF (FRsky) AND an external module slot to run anything that has been produced for a JR module slot, and the software is set up so you can select which as part of the model memory. Price up a 512 clone CAMPAC, weight in the awkwardness and then look at the Taranis price............NO CONTEST!!!!


So far I have only set up one plane on FRSky. The FASST module (a Ripmax import nothing to do with FRSky) has proved to be a pain in the derriere. It's not an essential part really, since a few planes can transfer to FRSky to give the headspace for FASST on the 10CG to cover the more expensive stuff.

Ripmax have had it back for two weeks, found nothing, have nothing to swap it with, and cannot be bothered with the fact that they are selling a product with NO instructions or known specification (they can't say what its operating voltage range is, for a start!!!


Currently, having just about shaken off being ill, I have heavy decorating works like plastering ceilings, etc on at home so modelling is unusually not top of the priority list!!


Had to strip out a fish tank today, one that weighed over 750lbs........... it was in the way of works and would not move, store and be re-usable due to its age, so its gone to the tip...............but as soon as poss I'll be adding models to the Taranis.

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