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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Rich

    Tidy Fuelling

    Hey guys.... I lost the bung on my fuel line from the refuelling tube to the tank on the plane, so while searching for a new one, I found this... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 2759.l1259 (If reading this after auction closes, its a 6mm fuel line coupler) Question is, would a nitro fuel line fit on it, and would it work? This way I can refuel safely, spill nothing, and not get my hands covered in fuel at every refill....
  2. Nice, so its just a case of buy it, slap in an engine/motor and a RX, and your good to go?
  3. That really is a sweet plane. Wouldnt mind one myself, even just to look at and taxi it round the garden/air field until I was brave enough to fly it Who is "Our" when you say "our price" ??? Is that the price the club members can get it for?
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