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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. Gerard


    Lovely low throttle sound from the F2B Jim, even if it did keep dropping its nuts. Looking forward to hearing it in the air!
  2. I'm sure it's an optical distortion Jim. I was wondering if you were investigating how to add some bling to your latest model. Good photos Chris.
  3. Gerard

    Building board

    Forgot to mention, Peter's comments about right angles reminded me. I bought some engineer's squares off Ebay. They are heavy steel and should make right angles straightforward. I got a 150mm, a 75mm and a more unusual 25mm one. I reckon the 25mm one should be useful for setting up wing ribs and the like in tight spaces. If anyone's interested the 25mm square is at: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-engineers-square-model-engineers-dream_W0QQitemZ350042038889QQihZ022QQcategoryZ633QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem until tomorrow Overall dimensions are base (heavy) side including b
  4. Gerard

    Building board

    I am going to follow up on Jim's suggestion and use some kitchen worktop veneered with screw fixed ply, probably 9mm. Cabbie has very kindly offered to try and get me a suitable off cut piece of worktop. I'm considering putting some self adhesive cork floor tiles on the ply to provide an easily pinnable surface. If and when they wear out I can pull them off the ply without worrying about damaging the surface and then flip the ply over as Jim suggested. At the moment, due to space restrictions in the ruins out back, roughly describable as a garage, I'm going for a size of 1800 x 600mm
  5. Gerard

    Building board

    Good idea Jim. What approx size is the worktop you use and what thickness of ply do you laminate with?
  6. Gerard

    Building board

    Having decided to have a go at my first ever scratch build model I am wondering about what kind of a building board to set up to avoid any warps setting in. Present thoughts are perhaps to make one from two layers of 12mm WBP ply screwed and bonded together with cork floor tiling bonded on one side to act as a surface for pinning build elements down. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
  7. Does anyone have experience of a SIP 16" Scroll Saw? Bought one off ebay for model building plans afoot but no instruction manual came with it.
  8. Just got the latest copy of RCM&E magazine. It has a four page article on the SMAS including photos.
  9. Best of luck with the new plane if/when you get it. I've fitted a very neat battery checker to my trainer. Its for a 4.8V receiver battery and is as compact as you will get! Its at http://balsamart.co.uk/upgrade/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2843 if you want to have a look. I mounted it internally on the fuselage wall and cut a slit in the wall just big enough to view the leds.
  10. Glad to have been there to see the maiden flight Trevor. Great looking and sounding plane and it looks like it will handle beautifully once the trims are sorted and the engine has bedded in fully. Congratulations again on a great build! Gerard
  11. Trevor, Just thought of a plan which is missing from the lists and would be applicable to the present weather conditions a flying hovercraft!
  12. Thanks Trevor. Lots of temptation there........ I'm now spoilt for choice This is a great source which has gone straight in my contacts list. I have never built totally from scratch but would like to on a long term basis. I have returned to the hobby after a 30 year break and am back on a trainer at present. Everyone seems to build Spitfires and there are many kits out there. However, look for hurricane kits and the results are sparse if not non existent. That in a way is what attracts me to the hurricane along with its history etc. Hopefully its reputation for strength a
  13. Looks great Trevor. Where did you get the plans from? Look forward to seeing it at the field when its completed.
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