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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. Probably best to give Brian a chance as he is a lot more economical. The last time I contacted him he was unwell and couldn't get to the field so we used Peter who came to the field the next afternoon after being contacted.
  2. Correct decision in circumstances beyond our control.
  3. Trevor, Beautiful colour scheme. Gets my vote!
  4. Thanks Rich. I may very well take you up on that sometime in the future......
  5. Rich, Now I know you've got time on your hands and you are probably going to need lots more with that amazing simulator setup!!!!!
  6. Hope your back feels better soon Rich. Neat solution to throttle isolation if you don't want to play with mixes. I'll file it away for later use!
  7. A lot of choice with that size of cell. i am biased towards the Multiplex Acromaster.
  8. I got one of these micro helicopters for the indoor sessions. I was browsing articles on the model yesterday and came across this youtube video on vortex effects which is worth knowing about:
  9. Rich, My Tx does this also. However, I'm not going to worry about it as I won't be adjusting mixes whilst in the air and definitely not in this specific sequence of steps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks for the warning Rich. I will see if my one does the same. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Second Cousin to your Flash, Rod
  12. Lovely pics and well done both Steves. Lovely model. Look forward to seeing it in the flesh.
  13. Dave, What are the hoped for improvements in Version 4 once the bugs are sorted out?
  14. Can't see the session Dave. Appears to be a problem with the Phoenix server according to the online commentary.
  15. I'll have a look this evening, time permitting, and give it a try.
  16. Thanks Dave, I'll be there. I find it really useful for pushing your reactions and feel on the sticks.
  17. Gerard

    Online Names

    Afraid I'm boring. I use Gerard, same as here.
  18. As this forum section is a public one then it will not be possible to supply details of passworded sessions. Such sessions will still need to be announced in the CAMFC members section, unless I am missing something?
  19. Lol!! Did you surreptitiously pin a large KEEP CLEAR warning notice to this guy's back Dave? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sound like you need a launch cradle and bungee Jim. Rich has a good launch system which I'm sure a modeller of your ingenuity could copy fairly easily.
  21. Gerard

    My new toy

    Lovely model Geoff. Here's hoping you get a calm day in the near future!
  22. Gerard

    My new springs

    Didn't realise the Cub had such a great undercart. Now that is perfect for our patch and positive landings!
  23. Gerard

    Magnum Mini

    Nice to see a whistling fast Magnum in the air again at the field!
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