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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Donald Trump's presidential campaign is an anagram of Man's a liar peddling crap to stupid men
  2. Might have been running too lean and overheated. We can have a look on Sunday
  3. This is an odd (imho) review of different types of "drone" by the BBC. It doesn't really do anything for the discussion on safe flying. No mention of any of the safety aspects at all. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-38389864
  4. Yes, I was looking at buying a new laptop pc. The same model has gone up by over 25% since a few weeks ago.
  5. It's started! All due to the pound fall after the Brexit vote http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37755137
  6. An interesting article with pictures of vintage planes including a Bleriot like Don Coe's model http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/02/aviation/ ... index.html
  7. it is limited to 100metres due to the need for a radio link and probably its robustness under pressure, but could still be interesting If they develop an autonomous version that would be more exciting
  8. Here is another type of drone that is starting to become popular - underwater drone mainly for exploration. Wonder how soon it is before this comes to the general public? http://www.openrov.com/products/1-trident.html
  9. These look interesting and a European development to boot. Might wait for version 2 though. http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/13/aviation/ ... index.html
  10. It looks like the US rules for operating "drones" commercially have been significantly relaxed in order to promote more new businesses. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-36584515 Still, don't expect your Amazon package to arrive this way in the near to medium future
  11. These look like fun. For a short while anyway. Love the sound they make.
  12. Would you take a ride in this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-36478614
  13. This short video has some interesting pieces on "drone" rules http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35712471
  14. Trevor

    Prop for ASP 46

    Hi Ben, 11x6 or equivalent is about the right size for a .46. A 12x4 would probably be about right for a slightly slower, more 3D style of flying. You can get an APC 12.5x3.75 but this has a wider blade and might be a bit too much for a .46. Also, watch out for ground clearance with a larger prop.
  15. Who fancies one of these? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36452739 or these? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-35201724
  16. Hi Richard, It is mobile friendly as you say. However, several of us look at other forums as well using TapaTalk and it is very convenient to have all the forums in the same list. It would be nice if the CAMFC one could be enabled for TapaTalk, is this possible?
  17. Hi Richard Good job on the website Is TAPATALK enabled for the forum? The app doesnt seem to recognise CAMFC anymore Cheers
  18. it's running much faster Richard, good job
  19. Glad to see this happening at last. Thanks Richard
  20. An interesting article on drone usage. Hydrogen fuel cells are an interesting development. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36301378
  21. My experience is they fix for nothing you just pay postage to them. They are good like that. I had a pair of new sticks like that when they broke, outside warranty too sent from my phone
  22. As Gerard says you can plug it into a 12v battery if you have a suitable lead. Alternatively take the battery out and charge it, that's what i do
  23. Yes thanks for the correction, I have corrected the original
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