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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Came across this today. I hadn't heard of it before but apparently the CAA have recently launched a DroneCode about safe use of "small unmanned aircraft systems" or "SUAS" as they abbreviate the term to. Worth a read just so we are familiar with the rules. http://www.caa.co.uk/Consumers/Model-ai ... ng-drones/ Also the Government "Drones Public Dialogue" page which is also linked in the CAA article http://dronespublicdialogue.co.uk/
  2. Hi Ben, Several people have put long nylon bolts through the undercarriage to the inside of the fuselage and a ply plate on the inside so that the load is spread across the foam. I have done this and it works well.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-33008257
  4. We had a notice about the following, worth keeping a lookout for any similar models for sale: On Wednesday, 9 March between 5am and 6am, thieves attempted to steal a white Ford Transit van from an address at Home Park, Oxted. Fortunately police believe that the immobiliser stopped the criminals from getting away however they did take three model aircrafts from the back of the vehicle (see 1 picture attached). The models are unique and described as: One bright blue aircraft in a blue and white bag, made of fibre glass with a 120cc petrol engine One red Extra
  5. Looks like a lot of fun sent from my phone
  6. Any chance they could be brought to Thursdays club night? sent from my phone
  7. I am surprised it has taken this long! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-35548540
  8. 1500 ft with water/air propulsion? Maybe Richard Branson is looking at the wrong technology for his passenger space trips.
  9. Watch this on your smartphone and move the phone around for full 3D view. Its real clever. If it doesnt work visit youtube and search for Angels 3d sent from my phone
  10. If my Hype3D had disintegrated 100ft higher I could have done that (not)
  11. I like the way the cameraman drives off pdq. \The last glimpse of her she seems to be about to spray the fire from the petrol hose, maybe trying to put it out.
  12. Trevor

    Is it a bird?

    It is a bird! Quite effective as a bird scarer no doubt sent from my phone
  13. Trevor

    IC Trainer

    Hi Karl, When you say anything suitable, do you mean radio, servos etc. or field equipment?
  14. Great sites. I especially like the Watergate Bay one with the sunset and shadows sent from my phone
  15. Hi Dave, I must be missing something, I can't locate the link to download the Watergate Bay site. Can you point me in the right direction?
  16. I will, to pass those long winter nights sent from my phone
  17. Hi Arun, That makes some interesting reading especially the trimming article. I will take a closer look at this Thanks for posting it
  18. I never bring a bin bag to the field as I feel it is tempting fate. It seems to work most of the time! If you have a bin bag available I believe it gives you a false sense of security such as "Never mind I always have the bin bag to carry it back home in".
  19. Now you've done it. I was considering buying a Taranis but now the pressure is too great. if I buy one and have trouble understanding it i will look a complete idiot
  20. Hi Ben, Everything you said about the Cougar is what I felt when I first got one. I hope you keep enjoying it.
  21. See you at the field sometime Steve
  22. That's hilarious. I'll certainly be adding that to my checklist Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
  23. Trevor

    Laser Jigging

    That's a great idea Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
  24. If you have some bourdon tubing you can push it through and over the end of the pushrods to guide them through the fus
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