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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Lots of ideas here for recycling those old planes http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/04/travel/re ... le_sidebar
  2. Trevor

    Extra 330SC Maiden

    What a fantastic looking flying site. Are you tempted to fly jets?
  3. Trevor

    Extra 330SC Maiden

    Very nice. Where do you fly now?
  4. Those dandelions just have to go. They are the only thing spoiling a nice runway.
  5. Martin, The NTM one has a 4mm shaft diameter which means the original Wot4 prop and spinner will fit and also has a 37 amp max current which is more in line with the original motor. The Turnigy one has a 5mm shaft, which is bigger, and max current 25.5 amps which is lower than the original motor. so you would need to source another prop driver. Apart from that I think either motor would do the job but I would have thought the Turnigy one would need a bigger prop. Trevor
  6. Regarding one of the questions at quiz night, I think we were all right: What Fruit Is a Member of the Rose Family? Answer There are a number of fruits that are a member of the Rose family, or Rosaceae. Apples, peaches, plums, strawberries, raspberries, cherries and almonds are edible fruits that are a member of Rosaceae family. There are about 2830 species of the Rosaceae and are usually found around the world but those that are found within the Northern Hemisphere have usually various species of Rosaceae.
  7. Trevor

    Fusion 2

    Maidened it today. It climbed like a rocket and flew really well. Just needs some down thrust and more aileron and it will be ready for the funfly Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
  8. Hi Peter, there were several of us there earlier but it kept raining so everyone left. You must have just missed us. I maidened my Fusion during a calm spell but it then started raining and the wind got up. Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
  9. Trevor

    Fusion 2

    Just a couple of pictures of the Evolution Models Fusion 2 I won in last years Fun Fly competition. Now I am ready for anything the Fun Fly can throw at me!
  10. I think we got all their precipitation: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/sc ... b_drought/
  11. Sounds great, and maintaining their "free to existing users" promise. Looking forward to getting my sticky mitts on it.
  12. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-25685529 Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
  13. I have never used sanding sealer so I dont know whether it would work or not. Assuming you intend to use heat shrink covering, I usually make sure the wood is dust free (wipe with a damp cloth not too wet just enough to lift any dust), let it dry thoroughly then use Balsaloc or similar around the extreme edges to give the lower covering a good purchase. Cover the lower side first then overlap the upper covering over the lower. The covering only really needs to be fully stuck down round the edges. Cover top and bottom before final shrinking then shrink both evenly to avoid warping.
  14. I just heard Heli Harry (12 years old) who flew his helis at the show, very expertly I might add, had them all stolen. Some real lowlifes about.
  15. I only managed to get to the show on Saturday but I thought it went quite well. The weather Saturday was fairly good from mid morning with only a couple of light showers. I heard that Sunday weather was not so kind and the show was stopped early which is unfortunate. Without knowing actual figures my impression was that public attendance was similar to what we used to get to our show. The venue is bigger than the Hop Farm so there was more camping space and more space to walk around. All in all a successful first show at this venue for Steve Bishop and Heritage Events in my opinion. And
  16. Trevor

    Miles Magister

    Graham, I would like to see some pictures. Sometime a wing warp can be straightened by shrinking the covering in the correct place, hope you manage to correct it and get it flying again.
  17. Sam, Sorry to hear this. We will keep an eye out at the bring and buy this weekend. Have you posted this on BMFA and HighAlpha websites as well? Spread it about as much as possible and someone might spot something.
  18. Now this is a good practical use of the RPi http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23840596
  19. Wheres the "Like" button on this forum? Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Finally maidened it. We had a clear day with light winds last Saturday and the Spit flew really well, needing only a few clicks of right aileron to trim. Alan was there to witness it and I hope he was pleased with the result, more than 20 years after he purchased the kit!
  21. Some of these wrecks have been there for decades http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013 ... vival?lite
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