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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. Gerard


    Its a lovely looking model, Andre. It does look at ease in the air, even with the throttle at full bore. With the fully tuned pipe fitted it should eat up the sky rapidly.
  2. Gerard

    heli pics

    So when are you painting this on the 'copter then Chris?
  3. Gerard

    heli pics

    Very impressive Chris. Look forward to seeing that machine at the field some time in the near future. Any chance you can give us all a masterclass at a club meeting some time?
  4. Gerard

    Weston Hype 3D

    Great to see the Hype airborne today Trevor. The model looks great with a lovely finish and that nice four stroke rumble. When I get the mini version airborne we can do a little and large circuit!
  5. Followed up on Ken's suggestion and found my local pound shop for cyano. Got eight 3g tubes of cyano for a pound. The almost equivalent amount in a 25g bottle from the model shop is £3. Having individual 3g amounts also cuts down on hassle unblocking nozzles etc.
  6. Sounds good Ken. I'm searching for my nearest pound shop........
  7. Gerard

    Closed loop systems

    Thanks Steve, I'll go for the aluminium tubes please.
  8. Gerard

    Closed loop systems

    If you can I'd appreciate it Steve. I can give you the money for it at club night.
  9. Lucky man Leon. Look forward to seeing them at the field.
  10. I have a few questions about closed loop control systems. The Mini Hype kit I have has closed loop control on the rudder and elevator. Knowing my tendency to need to redo some elements of a kit build I thought I should get some spares. I can source the wire - I'm assuming a 50lb breaking strain wire is more than enough?. I can also source the adjustment end point connectors. What I don't seem to be able to find is individual crimps to buy. Can these be made out of thin bore brass tubing cut to length? If so, has anyone got a recommendation for the size of brass tubing? The
  11. "adults eyes only" Is "adult" to be judged on physical body age or mental attitude? If it's the latter then none of us should be viewing this!
  12. LOL! Now that is nearer the mark, or should I say tree!
  13. I think the logo is now very crowded and is losing its impact. Could the BMFA font be made smaller and the 1978 incorporated on the same line along with it. Something like: Est 1978 - BMFA 0559
  14. Good man Lee, welcome to the Spektrum side. I just spent quite a bit of money on bits and pieces. No new models or the like.
  15. Ey from me. Terry, I would be interested in finding out more about a cap with a logo on it. Next time we are both at the field I will talk with you about it. On another tack, I have about 400 photos from the Saturday session some of which are not bad. From a club point of view are they of use to anyone? I'm happy to stick them on a CD and pass them on if a few of them are of any use for this or the SMAS website.
  16. I was wondering why my order from Avicraft came so quickly, well packaged and with the show flyers within. Thanks Steve, great job done.
  17. Just warn them to pack their PVC skilns!
  18. Nice one Andre. Let's hope you get a reasonable window in the weather to give the new member of your fleet a good flight test! Looking forward to seeing AND hearing it in the air.
  19. Gerard

    Nutz Mustang

    I'm sure we will regularly see a Mustang Prop Hang if Leon has anything to do with it! Lovely model and great photos.
  20. Gerard

    Nitro Fuel Cost

    Why Lasers, Trevor? I think a lot of companies are just jumping on the band wagon to make a nice killing and increase their profits. Can you see the prices dropping back again if base oil prices drop?
  21. Wonder if it will be possible to apply the system to smaller engines such as the 46 size?
  22. Gerard

    Building board

    Thanks Peter. Trevor had told me about Balsa Cabin a while ago but I had forgotten about them. I will certainly have a look with Jim's helpful link supplied. If I end up in a site portraying the virtues of flying models without tail fins I'll be suspicious.........
  23. Gerard

    Building board

    Many thanks to Cabbie for his generosity in bringing a worktop off cut to the field yesterday and also giving me tubing to make some legs from. It's perfect as a base for a building board and will make life a lot easier having a true stable flat surface. Thanks again Cabbie. My credit card is now looking worried as I will be visiting Avicraft in the near future to buy lots of balsa and ply.
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