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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Everything posted by Bravedan

  1. Ah the tinny beat of a powerful 2 Stroke, reminds me of my racing Class IV National Kart's Villiers 9E............ beats thumping four strokes any day.
  2. Cars and Boats both have to be raced against others formally or they are BBBBBBOOOOOOOORRRIINNGGGGG. I raced cars from 75-81, Stock Cars, 1/8th 3.5cc engine and 1/12th electric. 1/8th scale used to attract 45-55 drivers per meeting in the 70's, mostly Midlands based. I still run a 1/12th club in LPSB, one design Mardave class, very close skill based racing. Pretty often have to turn pupils away. I raced boats from mid 76 for a few months and briefly in 78, Multi Racing and Speed Steering. I joined Birmingham Model Boat Club as they had the World Champion and the next two runne
  3. Or go Dynamic Soaring, when you won't be polluting the planet with effluent, noise, AND will be considerably faster.
  4. So, let me just try and understand this, you use a jet turbine, then connect it to an inefficient propeller drive system. So, let me just try and understand this, you use a jet turbine, then connect it to an inefficient propeller drive system. So, let me just try and understand this, you use a jet turbine, then connect it to an inefficient propeller drive system. No, sorry, does not compute.................................
  5. And two errors. Now tell me what they were........................................
  6. I'll try and get up sometime when you are there so you can see. I'm signed into a Non Disclosure Agreement so I cannot comment to questions on how wonderful it is, but you can look over my shoulder and draw up your own opinion. It weighs currently 1.3kg and after a day or so you do not notice. Weight Comparison:- Futaba 10CG - 988g Spektrum DX9 - 856g Taranis (with FASST module) - 882g Horus - 1297g This Sunday end of day might be good for that (and for signal tests James?)
  7. I have a Horus, Development Model doing Beta Testing, currently on FrSky's own OS. I saved up for a set of scaffold poles, clamps, and some extra large castors, and I'm good to go. Don't mess with me lad, three weeks using it and I have muscles that provide the punch of Superman....................................
  8. Could have checked the RSSI SWR reception figures against Taranis and Horus, maybe do this next time we meet? (I'm not expecting anything like as good results BTW!!)
  9. OK, there is a lull on the Horus Beta front, so time to start a few info posts on FPV rules for CAMFC. Firstly, to reiterate what was said at the Club Night, the currently more normal 5.8GHz Video Transmission band is ANALOGUE and manually frequency controlled. YOU set what you will use, so if you clash with or even come within 20MHz of someone already flying and turn on transmission, YOUR ACTIONS could easily blind them, most likely causing an expensive crash and possibly injury if even less lucky. SO, pay attention at the back you lot! FIRSTLY, you should alw
  10. Working here.....................it lists my one above, and you cannot get much newer than that................
  11. If you can show me some examples of what you mean, I can then see what info is being used from our website and adjust as needed.. Have only now just found an ideal calendar for the website and will populate it over the next few days with the info I copied from old one.. Newsletter facility coming next I mean the icon that appears with the name in (say) the bookmarks toolbar in FireFox, etc. It used to be a little yellow plane, now its a dull almost monochrome world.
  12. My thinking was rather the other way around, with the possibility of SRDs, especially airborne SRDs in densely populated areas, receiving interference FROM other radio users. If not now, soon! Too many sources are springing up well above normal/legal power levels, fuelled by other countries much more lax control, as with 5.8Ghz where sellers in the UK are perfectly legally selling units more than 20 times more powerful than UK law allows to be used. Crossfire's "advantage" may well be extremely transient.
  13. Hi Richard, Any plans to add the Identity Information to get a specific CAMFC Icon attached to links, bookmarks, etc please?
  14. http://www.fpvhub.com/index.php?topic=43146.0 But...........Trappy saying it is not the same as a formal statement, which seems sadly lacking. Given the Fickleshole proximity to a major school and housing, be interested in the outcome.
  15. Interesting that OFCOM, the UKRCC, the LMA, the BMFA and a variety of other organisations currently either fail to list or fail to link to any info proving that 868MHz is a legal UK frequency for airborne model use. VERY interestingly the BMFA fails to mention in its "The Law" section ANY MENTION AT ALL with regards ANY legal Radio Control frequencies, being locked solely into CAA/CAP matters.
  16. AA, did you not pay attention?? Though how you'd ever afford all the chargers...............
  17. https://www.youtube.com/embed/arQ8_PW-RiA?rel=0&iv_load_policy-3
  18. I don't think any of my pics will be affected as I never attached files to this forum, I used a file storage server and linked, and for that very reason actually, having been caught out way way back on a Simulator website. As you rightly say updating from that far back was never going to be pain free
  19. Not in ANY way criticism, but the transferred text under Safety needs enhancing to add the needed frequency control system for FPV Video to avoid video shoot-downs. As the initial surge of Horus Beta testing is slowly subsiding, I'll try and get some text together, OK? I have the basis of a good visual aid chart but its only OK as is for worldwide, not for UK, and frustratingly its a graphic .jpg file so not text alterable easily. I hate reinventing the wheel.
  20. "Most users ever online was 36 on Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:55 am" REALLY????
  21. Hi Richard, Well done mate, have looked around and nearly all of it works!! (such a nice rigid standard, that old forum software..............NOT) A few things from my login view:- "In page" pictures seem to be corrupted. Linked in Pics seem OK. There is an extra Character appearing in front of every £ sign. (EDIT - on old files, this one shows OK)
  22. BMFA Website link - FPV Rules https://bmfa.org/info/model-flying-types/first-person-view-fpv
  23. Nice new section, shame not to open it! Some know Mark Fry and I gave a talk on MultiRotors (MR's) at a recent Club Night. In this section, and over time, I will be putting some of the base data needed for CAMFC members to enter and survive (legally) the wonderful world of MR's, and especially First Person View Quadcopters (FPV Quads). As is the way with most new and rapidly expanding areas, there is a lot of scope for getting it wrong. Frankly, you will NOT be helped by a fair proportion of the UK traders, who will happily sell you (because it is not illegal for them
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