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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Everything posted by arun

  1. Strength of security only needs to be proportional to the consequence of break-in. Worst case is that someone finds out how bad we are all at flying If someone takes the time to come to this forum, has a copy of Phoenix and a TX and decides they would like to fly with us then fair play - and you never know - they may be a prospective member or may become one. So maybe we should make sure the "session info" contains the URL of our club site?
  2. arun


    Looking forward to seeing this in the air - you've already spent more building hours than I usually have free in a whole month!
  3. Am using correct spanner Carb is an OS 40G fitted on the current OS 46AX as standard. As I tighten the nut, the carb opening moves to wrong position. I.e. the arm is held in about the right position by the servo which is centered/neutral, but the torque to tighten the nut moves axle (?) itself, closing the carb... Can't make it on Sunday, on family business sadly, but I am on holiday all next week so planning a good session all day Tuesday and/or Thursday. Cheers!
  4. I'm trying to tighten the nut that retains the throttle lever on my OS 46 AX engine as it was loose when I took the engine out of the box to install it. I'm having two problems... Is there a trick to setting the throttle lever position and tightening this nut? I am finding that when I set the carb half open, out the throttle lever in the half-way position as dictated by my throttle servo and then tighten the nut, nothing stays still as the carb position rotates as I tighten the nut, meaning the whole mechanism is out of whack. What I want to do is set the the carb position and throttle lev
  5. Hi Chaps, Finally got to the bottom of the issues I've been having with my J'En .37. Turns out the cylinder liner/crankshaft had rusted! My newbie error, as I'd had the engine run-in by Just Engines back in October and then left it on a shelf. The hygroscopic nature of methanol did the rest I guess... Anyway, mistake accepted, I now need to work out how to store my engines a bit better. I'm a little concerned that my other engine could have suffered a similar fate as it hasn't been used for 3-4 weeks and although I drained the fuel tank, I didn't actually run the engine until it cut af
  6. arun

    Cleaning Carb

    Thanks Jim, and just to put your mind to rest it was a very good talk - I just don't remember things until I have tried (see broken) them
  7. arun

    Cleaning Carb

    Hi Guys, Am dismantling the carb my Jen .37 to replace the casing as it seems to be cracked (explains its failure to run reliably although cause is a mystery)... Anyway, since I'll have it in pieces I may as well clean the parts. Can someone remind me (sorry Jim, that clubnight on engines was a while ago!) what is best used for this purpose? Cheers.
  8. Thanks chaps, great advice all round Looking forward to getting it in the air - targeting next Sunday weather/family commitments allowing. Cheers.
  9. "Nearly" finished my Weston Cougar. It has a Jen .37 up front and the recommended prop range for this is 8x6 - 11x4. Anyone care to suggest what a good size prop to start out with would be? I've put a domed nut on in place of a spinner. Since the starter will make direct contact with the prop nut, is there anything I need to do to stop the starter just unscrewing the prop nut rather than cranking the engine?! Cheers, Arun
  10. Richard - you mean you don't have the electric Cougar!? I've put the Jens I had on eBay with amoderate reserve. If it doesn't sell maybe it will have to go on the shelf until am ready for a Cougar.. hmm...
  11. Thanks Jim. I'm considering the Hangar 9 Pulse XT .40 as seems to have good reviews and progression for a beginner. For this particular build I'd like an ARTF (the Maggie makes progress on a different thread!) - do you know any good alternatives ones that would suit the J'En .37 directly? Cheers
  12. Hi All - Not going to make it up the field for next few weeks but would like some opinions on this if you have a few minutes... My Seagull Boomerang is currently fitted out with an OS .46LA and seems to fly absolutely fine on about half-throttle with this engine. I've recently obtained a J'En .37 as at one point I was contemplating this for another purpose but this is looking less likely now so the engine may be going spare... So, here's the question; would the J'En .37 be sufficient to power the Boomerang for normal flight (and let's say the odd loop/roll but nothing much more
  13. arun

    Fuel Proofing

    Thanks chaps, sounds like I can delay until just prior to covering which won't hold up my build at this point. Thanks for the various brands/tips I'll take a look into them. Cheers.
  14. arun

    Fuel Proofing

    Hi All, Am at that point in the build of my Magnatilla when I need to think about fuel proofing the front end of the fuselage. What do you all typically use for this task and how much of the fuselage should be coated (I'm erring toward the entire liteply structure if you know the Mag)? I've heard some versions of Ronseal are perfectly good fuel-proofers. Can anyone elaborate as if I can pick it up from Homebase will be much better as I have little chance of getting near a model shop this weekend and don't want to wait for mail order if possible. Cheers. Arun
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