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Everything posted by Nutz

  1. Nutz

    Somenzini YAK 54

    It is looking good Joe, I wonder who did the covering........... I will mention no names as he is standing in th e back ground
  2. Thats why your wing is so stright and crease free
  3. A 9 year old could probably build a better plane and fly the better built plane better than me It is looking good Stephen, you are almost there now, I always find the last 10%-15% of a build the hardest, sorting out all the naggerly (is that a word) bits. What colour are the wings going to be, will I need to wear my nuclear eye protection shades when you fly it . Did you want to borrow an iron, I have an old cloths one that I use every now and then for applying solar film?
  4. Nutz


    If you email me the pictures I can resize them, I normally put them into Photobucket (Free hosting site) and link the images, you can have them any size then, I normally size mine at 800x600.
  5. Nutz


    I have a manual or you can get a copy from Avicraft (they are the people who make the Prangster)
  6. Nutz

    Which plane next

    Darren, I already have an Extreme Extra 300 which is very similar to these planes, the only damage I have done to my Extras landing gear is to the spats and slightly damaged one side of the fuse on a hard harrier landing, I have since repaired and super strengthened the fuse on the Extra. These planes take off and land in a matter of a feet (when the grass is short), the reason I looked the Sukhoi is have you seen the CAP232 undercarriage? http://robotbirds.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29_46&products_id=644
  7. Nutz

    Which plane next

    I could get the Mustang as a Jimbo mini me. But I am feeling the mini Joe Sukhoi.
  8. Nutz

    Which plane next

    I was thinking about getting a depron as I like electric flight, it is very nice, clean and hassle free. Seeing as DP has the depron I was tinkering with an idea of another model but can't make my mind up on which one of these two Your help is appreciated. Who said I did not like WWII planes Here are the links http://robotbirds.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29_46&products_id=646 http://robotbirds.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=29_46&products_id=854
  9. Nutz


    So Jimboy is your experiance/opinion of these engines good or bad? That is what the forum is for to share knowledge.
  10. Nutz

    Nutz Photos

    Feel free to browse http://s77.photobucket.com/albums/j74/nutz_photos/CAMFC/
  11. I thought I would update this tread as I have not done so for a while & enclose some up to date pictures, The Raptor is flying great along with my Trex SEV2 they both have been problem free after the initial set-up & adjustments where done. Here is some of the latest Pictures of both helis
  12. OK had a reply back from eBay "Hello, the plan shows the CG at 320mm from the front of the fuselage. Regards, Burnhow" So I take it this means the front of the engine bay & not the front of the spinner, does this sound right?
  13. I will take some pictures & measure ments for you & poset them later. Thanks
  14. This one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mirus-High-Performance-Model-Aircraft-Kit_W0QQitemZ160002842388QQihZ006QQcategoryZ19164QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. Well Mr Klunk I have just got back from the field and have run around 4 tanks through the Mirus. All that is left is the C of G, I need your help on this one as there is no info I can find anywhere that tells me what it should be.
  16. Middle East? A Couple of Arabs in Mercs "Hey mister can you jump start my jet"
  17. Could always jump them off of a couple of rangerovers, I bet they can provide some good coldcranking power.
  18. Well I set my charger for 5 x discharge (0.5A)/charge (0.7A) cycles, cut off voltage 6.0 volts (1.2V per cell) & began cycling those batteries packs that had not been used for well over a year. At first the packs (2 of them) took around 50mAh before saying they were charged on the first cycle. They then took around 120mAh on the second charge & now they have just completed the 4th charge & took 1300mAh. They are currently being discharge before the 5th & final charge. They are both 2300Mha packs for my RC buggy (in Yogas vice) WAKEY WAKEY RISE & SHINE MY PACKS
  19. Darren do you know what the voltage is that you discharge down to? It is that if you have a cell that is not correctly capacity matched or you have weak cell (not saying you do) you will be pushing that cell into reverse polarity on a deep discharge cycle, which can actually shorten the life of the packs. I know Ni-Mh are a pain to get a charge in when they have not been used in a while (like a couple of months), at first they take only a few mHa but on each cycle the take more & more charge until up to capacity. I have tried charging my packs at 1A before but I find the faster I
  20. Looks like a Magnum with less of a delta wing. Is the engine the same as what is in your Magnum? I think I have fixed my problems with my Magnum but not sure if I am bringing my Magnum or Mirus this weekend. I am currently waiting for some servos (hopefully arriving tomorrow) & need to build a servo tray for my mirus, I also need to touch up the elevator tip with some paint. I think my Mirus & your Hawk & some formation flying :
  21. Well I ran a few tanks of fuel on the Magnum on Sunday but was unable to fly it because of a fuel feed & spinner problem. Her Klunk flow his Magnum & what an impressive plane they are, I thought he was going quite quickly............until he opened the throttle . I have worked on my Magnum tonight & will bring it up on Sunday to run another tank on the ground to see if my gremlins have cleared.
  22. I am starting to think Shockys are not planes but mearly hoving machines after watching that video Darren, Weston UK do a Depron superglue & Activator, I thought I would mention it as I recall you had sticky problems when building your craft.
  23. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "beep........beep.......beep......aircraft reversiving" I think if the wind is low enough to fly a micro heli, then flying a shock should not pose a problem. I have read the U/C on the Hype ID is a little weak, most people leave them off for outside use and only use them on the 3mm version of the kit for indoor flying. Darren I am presuming you are using the 6mm version for outdoor use?
  24. Darren, I picked up a copy of AMI today & there was a review of the Weston shockys (all of them), I now feel an urge coming on . So tell me what do you think of the Hype ID, also what battery do you get in the deal & what is included in the £200 deal (if that is the deal you went for)?
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