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Everything posted by Nutz

  1. Nutz


    Well I think I am going to go for the OS91FX, I will order it tomorrow and just need to find 150g to put on the tail.
  2. Nutz


    Oh I forgot the reason behind this and it invovles Jim YT Katana, now they say the Kantan 40 is a 60size???????? But in the video the Stuart Chitty is flying it on a os91FX
  3. Nutz


    I am looking to replace the engine in my Funtana 40 but I am not sure which engine to go for, I have 2 engines in mind and before Lofty buts in SC is not an option, anyway the choice is Saito 82 GK or a good "ol" OS91FX The pros and cons are I prefer 2 stoke to 4 storke but the OS91FX is 47g heavier than the Saito 82 and 147g heavier than the OS55AX that I have in there at the moment. Do you think I am going over board with a 82/91? I feel the need for more power!
  4. Panic Panic Panic. I had such a great time with mine on Sunday, best plane to spin around on the spot and they fly amazingly slow for there weight, they don't like wind thought on take off and landings. Best plane for flat spinning.
  5. Nutz

    Cougar 2000

    The Cougar is a smashing plane and great for learning prop hanging, and an amazingly fun plane to fun. How are you getting on with your prop hanging Trev?
  6. Nutz

    Sundays Fliers

    That would be a good caption "Stephen wets himself after stacking Jims plane"
  7. Nutz

    Sundays Fliers

    Caption "Stephen wets himself after Jims accident" Caption "Darren found out he had used to much glue after the Plane got stuck to his hand"
  8. Nutz

    Sundays Fliers

    "BARRINGTON!" Every Sunday keeps getting better, I think this Sunday was the best so far, but I say that every Sunday LOL
  9. Well done, I like to the looks and the colour.
  10. Jamie, I am in a posistion to replace my Weston Hype (6mm wing) shockie, so if you have any offerings let me know
  11. I keep coming up the field with your screw driver but forgetting to give to you Jim, please remind me next we meet as it is in my TX box. I won't be at club night this month due to work commitments.
  12. Nutz

    Miles Magister

    I have used Model Shop Leeds, I got a few Raptor (heli) kits form them, I could not beleave the price of them as it was a too good to be true price but they came through OK.
  13. Looking good Trevor, I quite liked the google eyed cowl, also the acronym you have for it does not do it justice as it looks quite nice in the air..............I just thought of something........... It fly’s, so it is a flying CAP LOL.....sorry, bad joke.......... I know, I know.
  14. Is the 2007 SMAC dates confirmed as I have just booked my holidays with work against them? Also some parts of the sites are referring to 2006/2005.
  15. Nutz

    EF EDGE 540 profile

    Here is the landing gear mod. I have glued some wood squares to each side of the fuselage for the landing gear to mount to, I then used plastic wing bolts to secure the landing gear. They are OK for normal landings but in crashes or really bad/heavy landings the plastic bolts will break which will hopefully do less damage to the fuselage…………………It has always worked for me so far. Also in the previous pictures you may have seen a black strip down each side of the fuselage, these are carbon strips to prevent the fuselage flexing and breaking.
  16. Nutz

    EF EDGE 540 profile

    Here are some pics of my Edge 540, I have just replaced the stabs/elevator as one side completely broke in flight, the only other damage was a dent in the front of the fuselage which I filled and covered and the force of the crash also forced the battery through the spare in the wing which I have re-glued into place. Replacing the elevator proved trouble some as I did not want to remove the rudder so I had to break the counter weight form the elevator and fit it then glue the counter weight back on and patch up the covering. Also the slot for the elevator was too big on the fuselage so I
  17. Nutz

    Christmas Presents...

    Nice day at the moment today, shame there is no flying at Fickleshole, I might pop to the park with the Trex.
  18. Nutz

    Christmas Presents...

    Planning on re-tuning the heli on its new fuel in around 10 min , I will see any nutters up there.
  19. Nutz

    Christmas Presents...

    Strange your weather report suggests 20Mph ish winds (apart form this afternoon), I just looked out my window and saw a cloud moving quicker than most of Andres models.
  20. Nutz

    Christmas Presents...

    I see you got yourself soom nice new flying boots too. Oh nice plane BTW
  21. Very nice finish on the cowl. It is like a magic trick, we start with a few pieces of balsa and wahlla.................It is a piece of art that workmanship.
  22. Nutz

    Christmas Presents...

    You need to stop buying planes, it looks like the Christmas tree has suffered. Off to start a new thread
  23. Nutz

    Prop size for fun fly?

    I reckon that Steve bloke meant faster it takes to get up to speed. But then again what does a heli pilot know................
  24. Nutz

    Prop size for fun fly?

    I think larger prop with smaller pitch but I am not 100% sure. The larger prop will give you more thrust and the smaller pitch will give you faster acceleration. That’s my theory. Maybe someone else can share there thoughts
  25. Nutz

    Cougar 2000

    That is a signs of person who can put a ARTF together properly, if it was me that had put it together I would of had to put a brick by the fuel tank to obtain the C of G and at least 10 clicks on a few of the control surfaces . I take it flying the Cougar was as easy as you made it look
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