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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Peter Royall

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Everything posted by Peter Royall

  1. I agree! Please don't give him our address! Arun, please would you send a link to SMAS FB site plse, or CAMFC FB. TTFn Oily
  2. Well, I'm holding several hundred poundsworth of club equipment, and it is NOT insured. Maybe the committee might want to consider that. Also, there is a trailer, with club equipment in it, which also is NOT insured. Maybe we should consider spending a couple of hundred quid a year, and get some cover? Years ago, I had my wot 4 and flight box stolen from my car (hidden in the boot). This theft took place in the daytime! The loss amounted to £800, and was not covered by either the car insurance, or the Household insurance, in both cases, refused as "Aviation" items. Food for thought. Ge
  3. The glider in the picture, looks to me like a slope soarer, and would perform best, as it was designed. Gliders that work best on a bungee or tow, are generally much lighter designs. Slope soarers are normally built a bit more rugged, and naturally a bit heavier, which is best for penetration on the slopes. An excellent opportunity for you to give it a try, its a most exhilerating thing to do! Perhaps next year we can set up a trip, to a suitable slope, and you can have a try? Grandad or Mum will have to come, though. OIly
  4. an announcement about the future of our model show, is imminent. Please watch this post, or your Club email. It won't be long now! Oily
  5. I had trouble with the lock last week on Sunday. This is unusual, my key has always been easy to use. Also, it didn't help that the user before me, wound up the chain before locking the padlock. Please don't do this, it doesn't acheive anything, other than making it difficult for other users, especially if they have a touch of Arthritus! A new CAMFC sign has been ordered for the gate. TTFn Oily.
  6. ........feeling a lot better now, after his prolonged "laying up"! Andre reports he will be able to put a newsletter together for November. We await with interest, I suspect a lot of the content will come from the committee, as poor chap hasn't been to the field, for news, for ages. Of course, now I have said this, he will be inundated with articles from club members! TTFn Oily.
  7. Information received direct from RCModel Flyer:- The dates for the Old Warden Modelling events for 2013 are as follows:- 11/12th May, 20/21st July, 7/8th September. Please make a note on your device, or in your new Diaries, straight away. These dates superseed anything you have seen published previously (there was a change)! See you there, TTFn Oily
  8. Calm down Boys! No need to fall out Snakeme was only trying to be helpful from a distance, and Bravedan was trying to be his charming self (in his own way)! Just cool fella,s, Not worth falling out over, TTFn Oily
  9. Well done the Reynolds, Good work, and for a worthy cause.
  10. There I was, the other night, gluing balsa bits together, when the 'phone rang. It was Peter from Florida, there's a suprise! Apparently, he had been onto the Camfc website to view SMAS, to see how the show had gone. He was dismayed when he read the statement, about the show having been cancelled, and offered his best wishes to the Club, accordingly. Peter asked me what had happened, and ,I explained, that I could not say much more than the official position, but I think he got the picture. He and Janet are well, at present, but they are concerned about the rising cost of h
  11. I,m set to finish an electric Lancaster. Its the Tony Ninjus plan. The airframe is almost complete, just need to clear the bench of broken Wot 4's! Then, I have a Goldberg Super Chipmunk, in the box, that came from the States. Still trying to decide on IC or Electric Power, and this time I think I will go with retracts. I had the last one for 20 years, or so, and loved it to bits. Unfortunately, thats what happened in the end, it became "bits", after an altercation with a Hop Farm tree, when the battery failed. . Thats all in the past, looking forwards to flying the new one, in the new
  12. Just seen this post from Bravedan, and yes, I probably can elucidate, but I need to get past this Sunday first. There is a lot of things going on in my mind at the moment, and it is difficult to be clear! This weekends debarcle is to blame, and the last 3 weeks have been difficult, not just for me, but for lots of us. I'm hoping it will all go away soon. Just love the Southdown Bus! Please can you park it outside my house, so I can see it frequently? Oily
  13. Southern Model Airshow 2012 - Cancelled Croydon Airport Model Flying Club with great regret has to announce that the annual Southern Model Air Show will not be going ahead as planned on the 15/16 September 2012. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has supported us. CAMFC Committee
  14. We had a great weekend, in the blazing sun, with all our chums, at Old Warden this weekend. Thanks ModelAir. Oily
  15. Somebody asked if anybody was going to Dave's for fuel, in the near future? Thats Southern Modelcraft, of course. Oily
  16. Thanks Trevor, thats why I asked! Wouldn,t look good with the name of the plane crossed out on the Trophy, and another one written in beside it. That would be a FAIL! TTFn Oily.
  17. So that I can get the scale trophy engraved, would somebody advise me the kind of model that Trevor won the competition with at Club Night? I think it was a Harvard, or Texan? TTFn Oily
  18. I bumped into Michael D at the Bickley Scale Meet, last Sunday. He was exercising his 20ft wingspan Lancaster, which he was intending to bring to the HOP FARM. Here's a few snapshots to wet your appetite! Its a very nice model, by the way. Great finish, and lots of detail. That is all, Oily.
  19. OH GOAWD! PLEASE SPARE ME! (nods off in bathchair)!
  20. richard, do you know of anyone that fixes computors?
  21. typeface has changed, and colour tint of background.
  22. The Forum has a new feel to it! I think Paul C has been in here, tampering with the 0,s and 1,s ? I wonder if I can post bigger pictures?
  23. I was given the opportunity to fly a mini GB racer, with 3 axis gyro at Old Warden, in May. Absolutely fabulous, and why has it not been done before? TTFn Oily
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