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Everything posted by arun

  1. Here's an (automatic) translation: http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... _angliaban
  2. Thanks Rod, suspected it might be that device. Certainly looks good, been tracking it for a while. I'll drop by the field at some point this year I'm sure
  3. Not followed it Dave, but I'd be interested to know more about the OS Tx you are running. Where did you get it, what is it called, which forums are users gathered on?
  4. Inverted harrier the DA Extra, and you'll see it's far from correct in the physical/aerodynamic simulation But I agree, it is getting there. As a developer myself I get pretty upset if I have to do any emergency releases (let's not pretend these "updates" are anything but), to do over 10 to be "getting there" is pretty embarrassing!!
  5. Hope you didn't have any user schemes cos you have just lost them. Not ever bothered customising, it is just a tool for stick input training ... colours don't change that So no damage done I guess...
  6. 5.0b working fine for me... I can tell because I still crash whenever I try a rolling harrier!
  7. Thanks Martin, good points. Let's see a few build photos of your model!
  8. Thanks Trevor, that sounds like great advice. I'll take that approach... great point about warping - looking back on my last attempt at covering I think this may have been the reason why the tail-plane of my Micro Fusion warped (it was an open structure which was true at the time of removing from the board!). Thanks again.
  9. Thinking ahead a bit here, but what methods would you recommend to prepare a wooden airframe for covering? Is it worth applying a sanding sealer (brand recommendations please!)? Anything else I should do before attempting to cover? Current state of the wing for my SLEC Fun Fly is:
  10. I use Hitec HS5485HB as my "standard" digital servo. I've been very happy with them and they have survived a fair few mishaps without any sign of issue to the gear train. No slop either which is benefit of plastic over metal gear train. In my 50cc/88" Pilot Extra I have Hitec HS7955TG. These are excellent an one of a handful of models consistently trusted (based on other forums and talking to other flyers) to larger aerobatic airframes. No complaints here, but they have a price tag to match. I had some small Hitec servos (I forget which) with metal gears in an RC Factory foamy. Had no
  11. Midland Helis are selling Hitec servos at half-price. Some good bargains to be had if you need any... http://www.modelhelicopters.co.uk/clear ... s.html?p=2
  12. Have to admit I've probably not loaded up FS X since I last posted on this thread. Anyway, it certainly looks professional, but wouldn't it be cheaper to get a real one!? Admittedly, once you have a realistic cockpit setup like this ... presumably you need air hostesses too, I think I'm starting to see what's going on here!!
  13. It's back! Will be held at Ascot Racecourse on 16-17th Aug (which happens to be my birthday). http://www.redbullairrace.com/m/en_US Great chance to see best in class planes at WOT
  14. Aww, you're not talking to yourself Dave! I'll look into logistics but I imagine will be too much driving from Castello del Horne.
  15. Peter - A more sustainable option for the club might be to use something like CafePress. You upload your designs, and they supply online ordering, sizing and purchasing as and when someone wants something. This would save you having to make ad hoc orders and make sure new members can get something immediately without needing the club to hold stock. I know a few clubs are using this successfully and the quality of their garments is very good. http://www.cafepress.co.uk/make/custom-t-shirts Cheers Arun
  16. Sam that's bad, sorry mate. Definitely post it on HighAlpha. Very vigilant bunch of chaps and esp. your Laser is very distinctive with initials if it comes up for sale. Might be worth letting the model shops around the area know (esp. SMC) in case someone tries to sell as second hand.
  17. arun

    Carden Building

    Wow, it's peaceful on the forum these days - maybe everyone is flying/on hol!? Anyway ... Came across this blog today my Matt Poots. Very nice blog about building large scale (200cc) kits from scratch. http://www.aerobatics-ni.org.uk/wpc/
  18. Beautiful model Don. Congratulations, well deserved!
  19. And taking it to it's logical conclusion, I can now charge my entire battery stock for a day's flying in the space of a 1C charge. The four chargers running over the batteries you see at 1C only pull 16A. Don't forget the DIY PSU can dish out 47A at 12V, maybe I need more planes/batteries/chargers? [attachment=0]ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21373140801.051921.jpg[/attachment]
  20. Now you're talking... sim is the way forward in this hobby and Phoenix is the best low cost entry.
  21. It makes perfect sense. But as a father of a 3yr old and a 1yr old I can assure you that you will not have time to even build an ARTF!! Instead you'll have to make do with typing on forums and wishing you had more time to fly
  22. Others may disagree, but I don't see point of building trainers from plan. When you build from plan or even kit you invest a lot of time and effort into something that has a very low life expectancy. Buy ARTF when learning, when you are at a point of not damaging airframes, build from plans or kits. Maybe this is a materialistic/un-romantic way to look at the hobby but I think it gives the learner the best chance of success.
  23. It's not just about matching weight, otherwise I'd be able to make a brick of the same weight fly It's about aerodynamics... Have you tried looking on the BMFA classifieds website, people often sell old but complete kits there. Maybe there are some near you that you could buy for a few quid if you want to gain experience - it would be more productive that trying to build blind without plans...
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