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Everything posted by Nutz

  1. Nutz

    I want one

    http://www.klasskote.co.uk/catalog/cyli ... p-173.html
  2. Nutz

    I want one

    But sod adjusting all those valves
  3. Nutz

    New Toy!

    For all he favours you have done me, it is yours mate.
  4. Nutz

    New Toy!

    I do have a wing tube you can have
  5. Nutz

    New Toy!

    Noooooooo not the Cub, is it totalled or fixable as for the buggy, get a GWS FS1, that is what I use, also use a sealed rechargable battry pack unit and not one of these
  6. Nutz

    New Toy!

    I just had a look and the Smartech Spiders (FG Marder clones) and I was wrong, your looks more like the genuine FG version. My mate has the smartech one and the quality is quite good, I almost bought one myself (did'nt in the end).
  7. Nutz

    New Toy!

    My mate bought one of those last year, they are FG clones, about £300 off of ebay, good fun, but shame they are only RWD, makes it a bit of a handful. Are you back from the mother land yet.
  8. Nutz

    Futaba 18MZ Radio

    I hear it cooks kebabs while you fly with its built in BBQ.
  9. Nope, cos I am on DSM2 not DSMX
  10. Spektrum and JR DSMX Transmitter Bulletin DSMX transmitters operating in DSM2 mode The Spektrum Team has been investigating sporadic reports from DSMX transmitter owners using their products in DSM2 mode. We have discovered that in some rare instances, DSMX equipped transmitters with the Product ID (PID) within this bulletin, may have a backwards compatibility issue that could cause a "hold" with the following superseded DSM2 receivers: AR500, AR6100, AR6100E, AR6110, AR6110E, AR6200 and AR6300. Note: This bulletin does not apply to DSM2 ONLY transmitters. If you have a DSMX tr
  11. like the title says http://vimeo.com/23497577
  12. Sorry, I read half way through and got lost. Jim are you at the field tomorrow? I am going Brighton in the morning but I am hoping to past the field late afternoon.
  13. Set the half position, Tighten the nut just enough to hold it in place Undo linkage Rotate carb to end stop and hold the arm whilst doing up the carb to stop the arm moving as the carb cannot move as it is against the end stop
  14. yes I do like it, it is based on a Suzuki and they make bikes you know.
  15. I have already decided on the extra (ordered it yesterday), I just wanted a bit of feedback
  16. I think Dave Stephens likes the MX colour too as his RV8 is the same colour scheme, I saw him flying it when he maiden it on Sunday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8i9fnryXRc
  17. The Green on is an MX2 and the other one is an Extra 300. I do love the way the Extra 300 flies but the MX2 green is rather fetching but I prefer the Extra shape. It doesnt really matter, as I will crash either one in a short space of time due to my over-enthusiastic flying coupled with my lack of actual skill. I suppose i should pick the one which will fit in the least bin liners??? My name is Leon, and I edit other peoples posts...
  18. Nice but I am not sure if I am ready to part with £450 for one!!!!!!!!! (BTW that is not the final price, just a very rough guide) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qGyZQr8EWE&feature=player_embedded
  19. I know there was more than 3............
  20. I use a Gruapner 10 x 5 on my OS32
  21. Nutz

    club gliding

    I ended up inverted
  22. You said it............................................then again I get accused of that too.
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